Norwalk Exchange Club Meetings / Activities Agenda 2024-2025

Norwalk Exchange Club Meetings/Activities Agenda 2024-2025

August 7th – Budget/General Meeting

August 21st – Meeting – BJ Lawless of BJ Ryan’s Restaurant Group

September 4th – Setup for Oyster Fest Booth – Veterans Park

September 6th – 8th – Oyster Festival

September 18th – Meeting – Sandra J. Miklave & Jonathan Yates, Norwalk Symphony Orchestra

September 19th – 22nd – Boat Show

October – Salute to Bravest – Aqua Turf

October 2nd – Meeting – Ted Dumbaul, SONO 1420 at SONO 1420

October 16th – Meeting – Secretary Stephanie Thomas

October 19th – Filling in the Blanks, Exchange Club Volunteer Event

November 6th – Meeting – Mike Reilly of Norwalk Seaport Association

November 2nd – 16th – Field of Flags

November 20th – Meeting, One Nation Under God, Kevin Mullins from Broad River Church

December 4th – Meeting, Michele Conderino, Open Doors Shelter

December 7th – Caroling at Notre Dame Nursing Home – Service to Seniors

December 18th – Meeting, Joe Dudek, Exchange Club Parenting Center

January 1st – No Meeting

January 17th – Meeting, Norwalk Chamber, Shannon O’Toole-Giandurco

February 5th – Meeting

February 19th – Norwalk City Hall Community Room – Guest Speaker TBD

March 5th – Maritime Aquarium Guest Speaker TBD

March 22nd – Dinner Fundraiser – St Ann Club

April 2nd – Believe in the Blue Tree Lighting at Ludlow Park

April 16th – Meeting

May – Salute to Finest – Aqua Turf

May 7th – Meeting

May 21st Meeting

June 4th – Meeting

June 18th – Installation of Officer

Board Meeting Schedule

8/14/24, 12/11/24, 3/12/25, 6/11/25



Field of Flags

Boat Show

Norwalk Oyster Fest Food Booth

Dinner Fundraiser at St Ann Club

Service to Seniors

Pamper Drive

Believe in the Blue

Salute to the Finest

Salute to the Bravest

Monthly Reports



Board Meeting


Field of Flags

Boat Show

Norwalk Oyster Fest Food Booth

Dinner Fundraiser at St Ann Club

Service to Seniors

Pamper Drive

Believe in the Blue

Salute to the Finest

Salute to the Bravest